Box 22, Winlaw, BC V0G 2J0 1-888-683-7878 (SVRT)


Remember “Dot Day”? The community event that we at the Slocan Valley Heritage Trail Society relied on for your support from to help us get needed work done on the Slocan Valley Rail Trail. Because of the Covid challenges in our community, Columbia Basin Trust and the RDCK have created a tool for so folks can do what they did at Dot Day. Here’s the link:…/…/grants/columbia-basin-trust-cip-aap.html

It’s simple to use. You want to check out Area H (where we are located) and then look up the application for the Slocan Valley Heritage Trail Society(just scroll down). Hopefully you’ll then say ‘yes’. The comment section is very small. (60 words or less) so you can say a few nice words about us. It is open for comments up to and including May 11th
We are applying for $6,000 for the construction of a new outhouse in the south part of the Trail. Trust us – we know folks use them, and Trail volunteers maintain them.
Please share this online link and remind friends and neighbors to show their support support the Rail Trail. And while you’re at it, check out the other applications. You can offers feedback on more than one!
If you live in area H or the Village of Slocan, go to the RDCK online Engagement Tool and write a short comment supporting the Trail project for 2020. Thanks for your support!