Box 22, Winlaw, BC V0G 2J0 1-888-683-7878 (SVRT)

Winter is coming (almost)

We’re all eagerly awaiting the arrival of snow to begin our winter grooming operations. The machinery is ready to go but all we need is snow! One thing we could use help with (as we do every year), is we need volunteers to help shovel out road crossings after a snow (when it comes) and after the plows have gone by. This simple operation can same our groomers valuable time when grooming the trail. So if you have a shovel (and a friend or two) please contact us and we’ll see if we can find a crossing close to where you live!

As well, we’re always on the lookout for groomers (with snowmobile experience)  to pack and trackset the trail as well as authorized friends of the trail with snowmobiles who might be able to help us after a heavy snowfall. Again contact us if you can help.

Thanks for being there for us. Now THINK SNOW!