Check below or visit our Facebook Page for regular updates on the Slocan Valley Rail Trail conditions.
Report any dangerous situations on the Contact Us page – or call 1-888-683-7878. Please remember that the Rail Trail depends on donations from trail users for regular maintenance and grooming. Please consider making a donation or becoming a member today.
WINTER 2024/2025
FEB. 2ND 2025 UPDATE – Finally we have some snow. The trail has been groomed Winlaw to Crescent Valley as of 5 pm Sunday. We’ll complete the Winlaw to Slocan segment on Monday. Thanks to Ron, Greg, Cliff and Kevin for taking on the task.
DEC. 20TH UPDATE – thanks to the multiple volunteers who are helping us clear the Trail of fallen trees over the past few days. We still have to check a segment at the north end, but the rest is all open. Because of the warm weather conditions, we can only sled pack the Trail. This should be good enough for skiing and walking. Let’s hope that some cooler temperatures are coming soon and snow will follow.
DEC. 18TH UPDATE – although we got a dump of snow overnight, warming temperatures make it too much of a challenge to try grooming. Our parking lots have been plowed so the adventurous can try breaking Trail. Also, please keep an eye out for fallen trees and let us know if you see any.
RESURFACINGUPDATE AUG. 21,2024 – We’re restarting our resurfacing this week. The work continues to be along the northern end of our Trail. Please use caution and insure the operator sees and acknowledges you before attempting to pass. Thanks for your understanding
MARCH 15TH UPDATE – Some of the snow on the Trail has melted, but there are still locations where it hasn’t. Shady spots are slow to melt, and it could be a couple of weeks before it all has gone. if going for a bike ride, be prepared for any eventuality
JANUARY 26TH UPDATE – Although the weather is mild, we still have a good base on the Trail. The trackset is holding up pretty well and should be good for those wanting to take advantage of it for awhile yet. There’s a loop around the golf course if you want a little up and down challenge.
JANUARY 20TH UPDATE – We’ve now groomed the entire Trail after the last few days of snow. Get out there and enjoy it as warm weather is coming.
JANUARY 18TH UPDATE – Our volunteers are hard at it. Today Jim groomed from Crescent Valley to Passmore. Kevin groomed Winlaw to Perry’s (and the golf course). Tonight Greg is grooming Winlaw to Passmore. Tomorrow morning we’ll be doing a run to Slocan Lake to finish things off. Unfortunately, we no longer have Darcy to plow the paved segment, as they have moved away. We’re looking for others who might be able to help us.
While we have your attention, we’d like to give a big shout out to the Slocan Valley Legacy Society. They gave us a grant this past year which allowed us to purchase a cover for our Kubota,so our volunteers have protection from the weather when it’s -15 C out there. The feedback is that everyone is finding it a HUGE improvement and much easier to deal with adverse conditions. Thank you, thank you, thank you
JANUARY 17TH UPDATE – We’ll be out on Thursday and trying to get as much of the Trail groomed as possible. It should all be done by Friday. We’ll also be tracksetting again at the ValleyView Golf Course. Now that we have a base established, we should get a good solid track down that will last for awhile. Enjoy the snow!
JAN. 11TH UPDATE – The Trail from Crescent Valley to Slocan Lake has now been groomed and trackset. A few glitches along the way, but our volunteers were up to the task. FYI – we plan on setting a loop around the ValleyView Golf Course in the next few days. Come on out to the Winter Fun Day on Jan. 21st and check it out
JANUARY 10TH UPDATE – We finally have had some snow and crews are beginning to get things groomed. Crescent Valley north – packing is underway. It may not be completed until Thursday. Some track has been set north and south of Winlaw. Plan is to groom to Slocan on Thursday. Will update as things get done. Dress warm if going out there….
Fall 2023 UPDATE
November 4th – we’ve now completed our resurfacing and Trail Brushing projects for the season. Over 12 km of Trail were re-surfaced and around 35 km of Trail was brushed on both sides. This work was made possible with grants from Western Diversification, Columbia Basin Trust, RDCK, RSTBC. We’re now transitioning to our winter program and just waiting for the snow to fall so the season can begin.
As we go into the fall, the Rail Trail is seeing a lot of use from visitors from around the world. We will be completing our resurfacing project in September and October. So far, about 8 km of our Trail has been improved. As well, some mechanical brushing will be taking place in later October. The Trail will remain open and useable in spite of this work, but please use caution. And please remember we are a volunteer organization which relies on donations to help cover our operating expenditures.
Summer 2023
The Rail Trail is undergoing resurfacing this summer. Two sections of the Rail Trail have been completed and work on a third segment is underway. Heavy machinery is working and warning signage out out. Please use caution.
Winter 2022/2023
FEB. 28TH UPDATE – The Trail has been groomed and trackset from Crescent Valley to Slocan Lake in the past 36 hours. Mixed weather ahead but get out there and enjoy it while you can. Thanks to Jim, David, Greg and Charlie for the grooming. Thanks as well to Darcy for plowing the Crescent Valley to South Slocan stretch. We groomed and trackset the earliest (mid-Nov.)and the latest (today) we ever have with a big hole in the middle! One last winter pitch to remind folks that we are a volunteer organization that counts on your support to help us do what we do. By now, I think you know how that works. Thanks to all of you who have helped us cover the costs of this weird winter.
UPDATE 9 PM FEBRUARY 27TH- Greg groomed and trackset to Passmore this evening. The Trail is now freshly groomed Passmore to Slocan Lake. Some grooming will take place in the south end Tuesday. As well, the paved section to South Slocan is getting plowed Tuesday.
FEBRUARY 27TH 9 a.m. – HEADING OUT! What a snowfall we had and Volunteer Charlie is off grooming to Slocan Lake from Winlaw this morning to take advantage of it. We may be be able to groom as far south as Passmore today, but will keep folks posted. Enjoy this late winter surprise!
JANUARY 2ND, 2023 UPDATE – Fresh fast trackset laid today Winlaw to Slocan as well as from Crescent Valley to Slocan Park. Thanks to our dedicated volunteers Kevin and Jim. With cooler temperatures and minimal snow in the forecast, thing are looking good. In case you didn’t know there’s a full moon Friday!
CHRISTMAS EVE UPDATE – Groomer Dave braved the elements and set track today between Crescent Valley and Passmore. Yes our snowmobile is repaired and back in action! Dont think the trackset lasted long, but the packing is an investment in the future for skiing. Looks like the elk were out enjoying the snowy day as well. We’re hoping to get some more of the Trail groomed on Monday. Get out and enjoy. Warm weather is coming.
DECEMBER 17TH UPDATE – In the past two days, we’ve freshened up and set new track the entire length of the Rail Trail. Thanks to our multiple volunteer groomers for helping to make it happen. Get out and enjoy. Did you know it could cost from $60 – $80 in fuel each time we groom the entire valley? Please remember we count on your support at the donation box or on-line to help make it happen.
DECEMBER 9TH UPDATE – Charlie has headed from Winlaw to Slocan this morning and David is grooming Crescent Valley to Passmore. We’ll be tackling the Winlaw to Passmore section on Saturday. Gotta love these dedicated volunteers!
DEC. 3RD UPDATE – Grooming is underway Winlaw to Passmore this morning. There should also be a groomer out between Crescent Valley and Passmore. We groomed to Slocan Lake from Winlaw yesterday, so the entire is now groomed and trackset. As always, we need your support to keep doing what we do, so please take advantage of our donation boxes, send an eTransfer or use PayPal through our website. Enjoy!
NOVEMBER 30TH UPDATE – The grooming season has begun early this year. The entire Trail has been groomed in the past three days. Today we groomed and trackset Winlaw to Passmore. A fresh blanket of snow last night means we’ll be back at it again tomorrow. Make sure your skis are ready to go. We’ll be posting updates as they happen, so check in here or on our Facebook page.
Spring 2022
JUNE 16TH UPDATE – after a very wet spring, we’ve begun mowing the Trail. Crescent Valley to Passmore has been done and Lemon Creek to Slocan is done as well. We’ll be mowing north from Passmore on Friday. Thanks to Rory and Ken for their help
SAT. FEBRUARY 19TH UPDATE – Charlie is out setting track Winlaw to Slocan today. He’s getting a good deep trackset and with colder overnight temperatures there should be good skiing on this segment for the week ahead. We still have a solid base of 8 to 10 inches on our northern segment , so could be good skiing for awhile yet. Get out and enjoy!
TUESDAY FEBRUARY 8TH – Groomer Cliff was out bright and early this morning and has groomed Winlaw to Passmore. The entire valley has now been refreshed since Sunday. Enjoy. The weather is fine and the Trail s beautiful
JAN. 23rd UPDATE – David is grooming Crescent Valley to Passmore today. The entire valley has now been groomed and trackset in the past 3 days. Thanks to all the volunteers who help make winter enjoyment on the Rail Trail possible.
SUNDAY, JAN.9TH – Since our big dump of snow, the entire Trail has been groomed and trackset. Today, our volunteer groomers are working on the Winlaw to Slocan Lake segment and are freshening up the Crescent Valley to Passmore stretch. Your support is what helps make this all possible. Donation boxes are located along the Trail and you can connect to us using PayPal and eTransfers on this website. Thanks for your support.
TUESDAY JAN. 4TH UPDATE – A big shout out to our volunteer groomers Ron and Max. Max groomed and trackset Winlaw to Gravel Pt Rd today in heavy conditions and our Kubota was up to the challenge. Ron followed up on yesterday’s pre-pack and laid a great track from Crescent Valley to Passmore. The remaining segment should get tackled on Wednesday. Enjoy everyone!
JAN. 1ST UPDATE – Happy New Year! Our volunteer groomer Greg freshened up the Trail between Winlaw and Passmore today. More snow and milder temperatures coming in the week ahead. We’ll do our best to stay on top of it, if you stay on top of enjoying it.
CHRISTMAS EVE ON THE RAIL TRAIL – Our groomers were active today, with two crews grooming the Rail Trail from Winlaw to Crescent Valley. A big thanks and a Merry Chrstmas to all our dedicated volunteers who make it possible – Cliff, Mike, Mitch, Norm, David, Ron, Greg, Bruce and apologizes for others who we have probably missed. Enjoy your holiday skiing!
DECEMBER 20TH UPDATE – Our walking trail segment from South Slocan to Crescent Valley has been plowed and ready for strollers. Winlaw to Passmore to getting groomed and trackset this morning. The entire Slocan Valley Rail Trail is now ready for winter enjoyment.
DECEMBER 18TH UPDATE – What a difference some snow makes! Our eager snowmobile crew managed to groom and trackset Crescent Valley to Passmore today. We’ll be grooming north starting Sunday morning. Enjoy!
December 17 2021 UPDATE – We’re ready to go with grooming the Rail Trail – all we need is snow! Some grooming has taken place on the north end, with more snow expected this weekend. Our new RTV side-by-side Kubota will be doing the Trail from Passmore to Slocan Lake this year and the snowmobile crew will be tackling the southern end of the valley. As well, the Trail from Crescent Valley to South Slocan will be getting plowed for area walkers. Lets hope for some snow. Please remember we are a volunteer driven organization and are grateful for any monetary support – be it through our donation boxes, or via eTransfer or PayPal on this Webpage.
Spring 2021
MAY 13TH UPDATE – Do you have a waterline, cable or other piping that goes under the Slocan Valley Rail Trail? The Columbia Basin Broadband Corp. will be beginning the process of laying the fibre-optic line along the Rail Trail shortly. Right now they are trying to identify all the locations where they potentially may come across a line. They will be digging a narrow trench 18″ deep. Most lines are deeper than that and it won’t be an issue. They will be reaching out to adjoining landowners, but we want to make sure no one is missed and that there are no surprises for anyone! If you think you fall into this category, please PM us. Do NOT post your details on this post, thanks. The process of cable installation may take up to two months. Initially they may be hopping all over the place, prepping sites to link cable segment before they drop in the line. We are hoping disruption will be minimal, but there may be brief periods when the Trail will be closed to traffic. We will be trying our best to keep this FB page and our website up to date. Thanks for your understanding
MAY 1ST UPDATE – Spring flooding has begun. Just south of Winlaw and just north of Pedro Creek. In the marsh area, there’s about 100 m stretch of Rail Trail that has water running over it. There is a blocked culvert in this location, which we can’t repair until after high water. THis situation may last for a week or two. You can divert onto the highway between Oma Rd and Filipoff Rd to avoid it, or you can take your chances!
MARCH 18TH UPDATE – Well, it would be safe to say our ski season has past for the year. Thanks to all our volunteer groomers for another good season. NOW LOOKING AHEAD – The Trail is getting bare in spots, icy in spots and slushy in spots. Some folks are trying to ride their bikes out there already. It may still be a bit early for that. However you’re trying to enjoy the Trail, please be cautious.
How’s the Trail looking? As things melt it becomes more challenging if wanting to ski. As of today (March 5th) there is good skiing south from Slocan to Lemon Creek, especially if you go out later in the morning or early afternoon. If walking anywhere of the Rail Trail, please use caution as things are pretty slippery in sections.
FEBRUARY 21ST,UPDATE – Trail will all be groomed and trackset by the end of the day. Thanks to groomers Ron, Cliff and Greg for getting out there. While your out there, check out the Art on the Rails project the Slocan Valley Community Arts Council has underway. Twenty works of art by local artists, spread out over four of our Trailheads (CrescentValley, Passmore, Winlaw and GRavel Pit Rd. In Slocan)
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12TH – Cliff groomed and trackset Winlaw to Slocan Lake today in perfect conditions. The cold weather is passing so the skiing will be good in the days ahead. Please remember you can support our efforts via PayPal and with an Interac eTransfer.
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5TH UPDATE – A good dump of snow overnight allowed our volunteers to get out and groom the entire Rail Trail today. Cool nights and mild days will make for some good skiing over the weekend. Enjoy and please show your support for our efforts at our donation boxes or on-line.
THURSDAY JAN. 28TH UPDATE – It’s great to get some snow. There’s fresh trackset from Crescent Valley to Passmore that new groomer Norm laid down today. Thanks Norm. The plan is to groom Passmore to Slocan Lake early Friday morning.
January 15th UPDATE – The Trail is in good condition for skiing since the big wind. Although there is debris along the way, a fine ski can be had. The trackset is better the further north you go up the RailTrail. With clear, cold weather the track can be very fast, so be cautious. If walking on our Trail between South Slocan and Crescent Valley, which we have plowed the snow off of, be aware that it can be quite icy. Shoe grips and walking poles are recommended. Enjoy and be safe.
January 7th UPDATE – The Rail Trail was freshened up from Winlaw south to our Evin Rd station south of Slocan Park. A good trackset was laid down from Winlaw to Passmore, but the snow remains thin south of there. Get out there and enjoy. There’s fresh groomed track now all the way up to Slocan Lake!
January 6th 2021 UPDATE – Groomer Cliff did a run up to Slocan from Winlaw today. Go for a ski and check it out. Please remember the Trail in maintained by volunteers and your donations help cover the costs of them being out there.
December 31st 3:40 pm UPDATE – Except for a segment from Passmore north, the Rail Trail was all groomed and trackset. Thanks to our volunteers Cliff, Mike and David for getting out and making things possible. North of Passmore we are still dealing with downed trees, which are preventing our machine from connecting that last segment. Hopefully we’ll get that section cleared up soon. Happy News Year to all. Please get out and enjoy the Trail.
December 30th – getting some snow today and hoping to get out there and start grooming either later today or Thursday. A reminder to folks that once we groom and trackset, horses and snow bikes are asked to ride on the sides of the Trail and avoid the trackset. Thanks
December 13, 2020 – The sleds are ready and eager to go. We just need a good dump of snow to get things started. Check in with this page regularly for updates. Volunteers are always needed to help make the season successful. Please send us an email if you want to get involved.
Winter 2020
Wed. Feb.26th update – Groomer Cliff was out early this morning grooming Winlaw to Passmore. That means we have fresh trackset from Passmore to Slocan Lake. Conditions (snow melt) may make it hard to groom south of Passmore. Get out for a ski and enjoy the Trail when you can, it’s stil a beautiful place to be.
Tuesday, February 25th update – Mike was up early and groomed and trackset Winlaw to Slocan Lake today. A warming trend ahead may limit future grooming. Get out and enjoy the snow while you can!- Mike was up early and groomed and trackset Winlaw to Slocan Lake today. A warming trend ahead may limit future grooming. Get out and enjoy the snow while you can!
Sunday, February 16th – Crescent Valley to Passmore was groomed and trackset today, thanks to groomer David. The entire valley has now been freshened up in the past 24 hours. Lots of folks out using the Trail today. Please take advantage of our donation boxes and help us with the expenses we incur to make this Trail available for folks to enjoy.
Saturday, February 8th – Two crews are out grooming the Rail Trail this morning. Finally we have workable conditions! By mid-afternoon, we’re hoping that the entire Trail from Slocan to Crescent Valley will be groomed and trackset. Colder evening temperatures mean that the trackset will set up nicely overnight for days of great skiing ahead (hopefully)!
Thursday, Feb.5th – Thanks to Glenda who groomed and trackset Passmore to Crescent Valley today, so get out and enjoy! We groomed Winlaw to Slocan on Wednesday, but now our north end sled is out of action for a couple of days for repairs. With luck and the right weather we should be able to stay on top of things for awhile. Just the periodic reminder that we are volunteers who rely on your support to allow us to do what we do. Donation boxes can be found at all our main trailheads or you can use PayPal at our website Thanks for your help!
RAIL TRAIL UPDATE – JAN. 20TH – Weather warmed up on us so waiting a day to see if conditions will allow us to get out there and groom up to Slocan . Trail from Passmore to Perrys Siding is in great shape for skiing right now. South end is partially groomed.
January 18th update – Winlaw to Passmore was groomed this morning. We’ll be grooming north from Winlaw Sunday morning in prep for our Rail Trail Ski Day based out of our Winlaw Station beginning at noon. Hope to see you all there
TUESDAY JANUARY 14TH – Stellar day with a great group of volunteers. By the end of the afternoon, the entire Rail Trail from Slocan Lake to Crescent Valley will have been groomed and trackset! Thanks to Kim, Glenda, Mike, Chris, Max for getting out there on a really really cold day.
January 10th update – Rail Trail was groomed and trackset to Slocan from Winlaw today. Primarily this was a run to help smooth out the Trail, so that after this snow cycle passes, we can get a good groom and trackset for folks to enjoy. Thanks to new groomer Mike, who is a great addition to our grooming crew.
JANUARY 9TH UPDATE – Trackset is complete between Crescent Valley and Passmore. We have a night crew out that went out at 5 p.m. to work on the section between Winlaw and Passmore, which is now complete. Welcome aboard new groomer Mike. More snow expected over the next couple of days, but we’re hoping to groom up to Slocan on Friday. Just a reminder that our volunteer efforts are made easier with your support. We have donation boxes and a PayPal account on our website if you wish to help defray the costs of doing what we do. Thanks And dont forget we have our annual Ski Day on Sunday, January 19th from noon to 3 pm based out of our Winlaw Station.
January 8th – Crescent Valley to our Slocan Park station was trackset by our new groomer Jordan. Still working on getting the rest of the Trail done and will update as we can.
January 7th 3 p.m. update. – Trail groomed and trackset Winlaw to Lemon Creek. Rough sled packing done to Slocan Lake and will have to wait for another day to get that stretch completed. Thanks Max. Sled packing Passmore to C. Valley today as well. No tracksetting there yet, as we’re just trying to deal with packing down the wet snow. Thanks David.
December 31st UPDATE – Fresh snow at last ! Rail Trail was groomed and trackset from Crescent Valley to Winlaw today. Thanks to groomers Greg and David for going out and getting things done. Milder temperatures might mean it’ll be awhile before we can tackle the north end. Enjoy and Happy New Year!
December 20th update – Groomer Greg initiated the skiing season by grooming and tracksetting the Rail Trail from Winlaw to Slocan this morning. With mixed weather ahead grooming will be day-by-day, with updates being posted as they occur.
Winter 2018-2019
Friday, March 8th – The season may be winding down as far as fresh snow goes, but there is still a weil used trackset along the entire length of the Rail Trail. There is a good base so there should still be a few weeks of great skiing available. get out there and enjoy.
Friday March 1st – Winlaw to Crescent Valley was freshened up and trackset today. Winlaw to Slocan Lake will be getting done on Saturday morning. Cold evenings ahead will keep the track in good condition. Enjoy!
Tuesday, February 26th – The entire Rail Trail was groomed and trackset this past weekend. Colder evening temperatures and minimal snow means there’s great skiing everywhere right now!
Sunday, February 17th – The entire Trail was groomed and trackset between Saturday and today. Some fresh snow overnight may affect some areas, but generally it’s good skiing everywhere. Just a reminder that Monday, February 18th is Family Day on the Trail, which takes place between 11 am and 2 pm at our Winlaw Station. Ski waxing, bonfire and refreshments, and lots of great skiing. Hope to see you all there.
Wednesday, February 13th – Happy Valentine’s Eve! By 6 p.m. tonight the entire Rail Trail will have been groomed and trackset. Thanks to Jahine, Kim, Greg and Ryan for making short order from our last dump of snow. With cooler evening conditions the track should set up nicely. Please remember we are a volunteer driven organization and depend on your support to help cover the expenses of keeping the Rail Trail available to enjoy during the winter months. Donation boxes are at all Trail Heads and Pay Pall is waiting for your attention on our website! Enjoy…
Tuesday, February 5th – Trail has been groomed and trackset Crescent Valley to Winlaw this past weekend. Monday saw groomer Greg freshen up the Trail between Winl Station an Filipoff Rd, where someone had driven a trick down!
Saturday, January 26th – Trail Winlaw to Slocan Lake was groomed and trackset this morning. Entire trail has now been done since the last snowfall. Colder evening temperatures in the week ahead means there’ll be good skiing ahead. And just another reminder that volunteers make the grooming possible and your financial support is always appreciated to help cover our expenses. Take advantage of our PayPal account on this page or use any of the multiple donation boxes along the Trail
Monday, January 21st – Today was a most excellent day for grooming with Winlaw to Slocan Lake getting attention. Since the last snowfall on Jan. 17th, the entire Rail Trail has been groomed and trackset. Of note was the entire Trail was groomed by first-year volunteer groomers! Thanks Jihane, Marley, Ryan, Max and Greg. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Fri. January 19th – Today the Rail Trail was groomed and trackset Crescent Valley to Winlaw. We wont be able to groom the north end until the temperatures get cooler. Good trackset was laid in the locations we made it to. Thanks to Jihane and Marley, who had their inaugural grooming runs today.
Mon. January 14th – Trail was groomed and trackset Winlaw to Slocan Lake today. Cooler evening temperatures should make for a good ski and with a full moon coming, an evening ski might be just what the doctor ordered…..
Thurs. January 10th – Trail was groomed Crescent Valley to Passmore today. Milder weather will make to difficult to groom north of Winlaw. Stay tuned to this site for updates. In the meantime, get out and enjoy what we have. Just a reminder that all our grooming is done by volunteers and it’s your donations and support that helps us cover the expenses of grooming the Trail, clearing parking lots and maintaining the equipment.
Sat. January 5th – Trail was groomed Passmore to Winlaw with a good trackset being laid. Still minimal snow this year, but there’s decent trackset all over the valley. Pray for snow!
Tuesday, January 1st – Groomer Greg is out this morning grooming and tracksetting Winlaw to Slocan Lake. He should be done by 2 p.m. looks like a fine afternoon for a ski! and please remember to take advantage of the donation boxes along the Rail Trail or visit the PayPal link on our website.
Sunday, December 30th – at this time. Passmore to Winlaw is the only section that has recently been groomed. We’re hoping to get the remainder of the Trail groomed in the next few days. There’s been lots of folks out enjoying the Trail, so there is a good ski base in all area.s Weather promises to be cool and clear for the next few days so the skiing should remain good.
Thursday, December 27th. A late start to the season and a minimal amount of snow so far. Today we groomed and trackset Winlaw to Slocan Lake, where the snow is a bit deeper. Still not enough snow to do much of anything on the rest of the Trail, although folks have been out enjoying what is there. Watch for updates here or on our Facebook Page.
Winter 2017-2018
February 26th – Dennis groomed and trackset the Trail between Winlaw and Slocan Village today. Good conditions and a crisp evening means that a nice solid track is in place. Get out enjoy, and remember to take advantage of our donations boxes along the Rail Trail as we’re all volunteers out there! Thanks
February 19th – The final segment of the Rail Trail was groomed and trackset today. Winlaw to Passmore is waiting for your skiing pleasure. The entire Trail has now all been trackset in the last two days. Thanks to our dedicated crew (again)!
February 18th – Trail was groomed and trackset Slocan to Winlaw and Crescent Valley to Passmore (almost). With a chilly week ahead of us and no snow in the forecast, conditions should be good for skiing for awhile.
Feb. 9th – Our illustrious groomer Jo groomed Winlaw to Slocan today. The area around Crescent Valley was also done. It’s gotten colder and the trail has hardened up, so the skiing is a bit of a challenge.
Saturday, February 3rd – Track was groomed and trackset Winlaw to Passmore today. Should be good skiing. Just so folks know, a family of cougars (ma and three cubs) have been seen in the Winlaw area recently.
Monday January 31st – Trail from Winlaw to Slocan Lake was groomed and trackset today, with Dennis having to deal with tons of downed trees. Says he got a good track down, so get out there and give it a run. Somewhere between Mon Amie rd. And the bench by Trozzo Creek, he lost our snow shovel. Should you find it, please PM us and put it in a safe place for us to find. Thanks
Sunday January 28th – trail has been groomed and trackset Winlaw to Passmore. Sled packing will hopefully be happening Passmore to Crescent Valley today, with grooming getting done on Monday. Trying to start making our way north on Monday. Trees are down along the Trail, which slows things down, crossings are in continual need of shoveling (a shout out to the volunteers who are helping with that regard, but we need more help – especially north of Perrys Siding); and these odd weather conditions makes it quite difficult to do any decent grooming or even allow us to get on the Trail.
January 21st update – trail groomed and trackset Winlaw to Passmore today and an excellent track has been laid. Get out there and enjoy!
Friday, January 19th – Trail was groomed and trackset Winlaw to Slocan today after a long slog on the sled by Jo. Been awhile since we got up there, but it’s looking like a perfect weekend to visit the swans. Please take advantage of our donation boxes at Lemon Creek and Gravel Pit Rd. Or visit our website if you want to help us cover the costs of having fun. Thanks for your support
Tuesday January 6th Update – Trail has been groomed and trackset Winlaw to Crescent Valley in the last two days. Hoping to head north tomorrow.
January 11th (Thursday) – Trail groomed an trackset Winlaw to Perrys Siding today
January 10th – Mild temperatures have made it impossible to groom the Trail. Snow comes Thursday, but very mild weather comes in Friday. That said there is actually some good skiing on the existing trackset. Just make sure to take some wax to help you along.
January 2nd UPDATE – The Trail has now been groomed and trackset from Crescent Valley to Slocan Lake. It’s been a slog, hope folks get a chance to get out and enjoy it. Some other points: 1. There is snowmobile abuse in the Slocan Park area. If you can help us locate the one or two abusers it would be appreciated. 2. There have been cougar sightings so please be cautious out there. The Rail Trail is a wildlife corridor at times. 3. Swans, swans everywhere. Everywhere along the Trail swans are being seen on the river this winter. 4. We are still a bunch of volunteers and your support is always appreciated. Donation boxes are along the Trail, also via our website or via snail mail at Box 22, Winlaw BC
January 1st – Welcome to the New Year. Today we groomed and trackset Winlaw to Passmore. The lower valley will start getting done on Tuesday. Thanks for your patience.
December 31st – We’ll be grooming and tracksetting Winlaw to Slocan today and heading south tomorrow. We’re operating with one sled down right now, so we’re not able to grooming the trail as quickly as we would like.
Thursday, December 28th – snow is falling and we’ll have to wait and see how much we get before grooming. We’re down to one machine at this point, so grooming will take a little longer.
Sunday, December 24th – The trail has now all been groomed and mostly trackset. It took several days to remove all the downfall and has been very slow going. Our machines are now both out of commission and we’re hoping to have them going again shortly.
Thursday December 21st, 2016 – Thanks to the large dump of snow this week, we’re getting the winter grooming season underway. As of today the Rail Trail has been groomed and trackset from Winlaw to Slocan Lake and from Crescent Valley to Slocan Park. We’re hoping that Friday will see the remaining sections get some attention and will update this site accordingly. Lots of trees came down with the snow and we can expect more in the days and weeks ahead. If you see tree downfall, please contact us so we can deal with them.
We’re also looking for volunteers to help dig out some crossings after they’ve been plowed. It helps our groomers get their job done more quickly. If you can help please contact us.
2017 Summer
June 12 – Trail has been mowed Winlaw to Slocan Lake in the past few days. Hoping to get lower valley mowed soon. There is a sluff on the Trail below the Golf Course. It is advised that people walk through this stretch.
2016/2017 Winter Season
March 28th – Rail Trail is sluffing below the golf course and we are unsure if it has stopped moving yet. Please refrain from using this area for the time being.
TRAIL CLOSURE Wed. March 22nd– 1 km North of Passmore. We have a flooding issue taking place on the Rail Trail. Highways will be sending in a backhoe to put in temporary drainage.Please avoid using this area. Signs will be posted and removed when the work is done. Additional updates will follow.
Thursday, March 16th – Dennis is out freshening up the Rail Trail today. He’s heading north from Winlaw and depending on conditions, may go to Perry’s Siding or possibly Slocan. This is the latest we’ve EVER groomed the Trail in our 10 years of grooming!
Thursday, March 9th – Trail was groomed and trackset Winlaw to Crescent Valley today. The entire Trail has been touched up in the past two days, in what might be the last groom of the season. Get out there and enjoy !
Wednesday, March 8th – Trail is being roomed and trackset Winlaw to Slocan Lake today. Fresh powder should help create a nice trackset.
Monday, March 6th – a section of the south end from Crescent Valley to north of Kosiancic Hill was groomed and trackset this morning. We’re using our alternate equipment to trackset, as there are still some repair issues with one of our groomer machines which will keep it out of action for the rest of the season.
Once again we’re sending out a plea for your financial support as this long winter has put a strain on our operating expenses. This can be done through our website or by using our donation boxes along the trail. Thanks to all of you who have helped along the way, your support is greatly appreciated.
Sat. March 4th – Trail was groomed and trackset winlaw to Passmore today. Cool temperatures tonight will help the track set up nicely. Enjoy, we’re getting to the end of the season…. Also, our groomer noticed that a large quad had driven along the Rail Trail between Slocan Park and Winlaw – probably in the last day or two, making grooming more difficult. If anyway has information on who is responsible, please message us and we’ll take it from there.
March 3rd – Trail was groomed and trackset Winlaw to Slocan yesterday. Some grooming may get done today as well. Enjoy it while you can!
March 1st – Machine issues have been an on-going lately, but things are getting in working order again. Packing has recently been done in the lower valley, grooming and trackset done in the mid-valley. Now we’re into a wet snow cycle and are trying to groom as best we can. To us, any skiing in March is always a bonus, so will update as grooming happens.
February 23rd – Trail has been groomed up toSlocan today.
February 21st – Well, we’re back at it! Trail has been groomed and trackset Winlaw to Passmore today. The hope is we’ll be grooming north of Winlaw Thursday if the weather is right
February 19th – we had a report of a cougar dragging a deer down towards the Rail Trail in the Vallican Bluff area last night. This is the season when cougar will be foraging on the valley bottoms. Please use caution
February 16th – Both our snowmobiles have now been repaired. Just waiting for favourable weather before we attempt to do anything. The repairs were not cheap, so throwing in a reminder that donations are always appreciated.
February 12th – A big shout out to Brent, who sled packed the Rail Trail from Slocan to south of Winlaw this afternoon. This will make it easier for walkers and skiers alike while our machines are out of action. Sled packing will take place Monday between Winlaw and Passmore. South of Passmore was groomed and some trackset laid down before our machine died. With mild weather ahead, we may be nearing the end of our grooming season.
Feb. 11th update – Both our snowmobiles are now out of action. This means we are unable to groom the Rail Trail until something gets repaired. Some areas do have defined ski trail, just from local use. Passmore north isn’t too bad. From Slocan south to the Big Bench is well used. Please let us know if things are useable in other areas. Will keep everyone posted..
February 11th – trying to complete grooming the south end today. FYI – there may be several snowmobiles doing an organized pack of the Rail Trail from Slocan to Winlaw this afternoon. This will greatly improve the trail base and quicken the timeframe for grooming and tracksetting Sunday.
February 8th – Trail has been groomed and trackset from Slocan To Passmore in the past two days. Snow if predicted for this evening, but we are planning to start working from Passmore to Crescent Valley on Thursday.
February 5th – Snow, snow,snow! We’re trying to groom Winlaw To Slocan today, but with another dump of snow expected tonight it won’t last long. Still have only one sled, so things will take awhile. Probably not down to the south end until Tuesday. You may see a sled or two out there on Monday or Tuesday, but they will be ‘prepacking’ to make things easier for the groomer
January 30th – The entire Rail Trail has been recently groomed and trackset. with cooler temperatures and no snow in the forecast, you can expect a fast ski with clear skis!
January 27th – Entire trail was finally groomed about 5 days ago. Today we are beginning to freshen up the Trail again. Passmore to Crescent Valley is getting done today, Slocan to Winlaw is scheduled for Saturday. Conditions have generally been good and the skiing fast.
January 19th – Heavy, wet snow has made it impossible for us to groom and trackset the Rail Trail. We are in a standby mode until the weather gets cooler. Also, the warm weather has brought down some trees, which we have to deal with. Should you be walking on the Trail and encounter an obstruction, please email or call us so we can deal with the problem.
January 13th – Preparations are underway for our Day on the Trail Sunday at the Winlaw station from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Today we ran our grader (which churns up, levels amd then smooths the snow) between Passmore and Perrys Siding and grooming/tracksetting will take place on Saturday. The Crescent Valley area was also touched up today.
January 10th – Trail was groomed and trackset Winlaw to Slocan today. A few trees had to be removed along the way, but skiing should be fine. Remember there’s a full moon Thursday and nothing says winter like a full moon ski on the Rail Trail!
January 9th – With the fresh snow a fresh round of grooming is underway. Today we groomed and trackset Winlaw to Crescent Valley. Tuesday the plan is to groom and trackset from Winlaw to Slocan Lake. Cold temperatures have made for some fast skiing out there
January 2nd – In spite of temperatures that were -18 this morning when the crew started, we groomed and trackset Winlaw to Slocan Lake. Lots of folks out using the Rail Trail today. What a great way to finish off the winter holiday break.
January 1st – Happy New Year! Today Crescent Valley to Passmore was groomed and trackset by David and Glenda. North valley was last groomed on Dec. 30th and will probably get groomed again on January 2nd.
Dec. 28th – Dennis groomed Winlaw to Slocan Lake today. Great weather conditions. Trackset should set up nicely. Get out and enjoy!
Dec. 27th – Lots of snow has to get compacted before we can start setting track, so you may see snowmobiles running back and forth on the Rail Trail today. There may be some track done by this afternoon. We’ll keep the site updated. Please remember this is all volunteer effort and there are expenses. Take advantage of our donation boxes along the Trail or visit the link on this website to help us out. Thanks
GROOMING UPDATE DEC. 24TH – Except for the Winlaw to Passmore stretch, the Rail Trail was groomed and trackset today from Crescent Valley to Slocan Lake. The rest of the Trail will be getting done tomorrow – yes tomorrow. So if you see a Santa on a snowmobile setting track, he’s one of ours! Merry Christmas to you all!
Dec. 23rd – Heavy snow all along the Rail Trail today. Crews are hoping to get out on Saturday and spruce things up for the holidays.
Dec. 21st – Grooming and tracksetting was done today from Passmore to Crescent Valley in good conditions. Segments have been double tracked, so make sure you take a friend out to experience a ski on the Rail Trail. Also trail was compacted from Winlaw to Slocan Lake, but our tracksetter wasn’t working so no track was set on this segment
Dec. 19th – Winlaw to Perrys Siding was groomed and trackset today. Still need more snow for a better trackset, but we’re getting there!
Dec. 11th – Starting to get some snow, but not enough to start grooming. We’ll keep updating this site as the snow accumulates.
Current Trail Conditions
Check below or visit our Facebook Page for regular updates on the Slocan Valley Rail Trail conditions.
Report any dangerous situations on the Contact Us page – or call 1-888-683-7878. Please remember that the Rail Trail depends on donations from trail users for regular maintenance and grooming. Please consider making a donation or becoming a member today.
WINTER 2024/2025
FEB. 2ND 2025 UPDATE – Finally we have some snow. The trail has been groomed Winlaw to Crescent Valley as of 5 pm Sunday. We’ll complete the Winlaw to Slocan segment on Monday. Thanks to Ron, Greg, Cliff and Kevin for taking on the task.
DEC. 20TH UPDATE – thanks to the multiple volunteers who are helping us clear the Trail of fallen trees over the past few days. We still have to check a segment at the north end, but the rest is all open. Because of the warm weather conditions, we can only sled pack the Trail. This should be good enough for skiing and walking. Let’s hope that some cooler temperatures are coming soon and snow will follow.
DEC. 18TH UPDATE – although we got a dump of snow overnight, warming temperatures make it too much of a challenge to try grooming. Our parking lots have been plowed so the adventurous can try breaking Trail. Also, please keep an eye out for fallen trees and let us know if you see any.
RESURFACING UPDATE AUG. 21,2024 – We’re restarting our resurfacing this week. The work continues to be along the northern end of our Trail. Please use caution and insure the operator sees and acknowledges you before attempting to pass. Thanks for your understanding
MARCH 15TH UPDATE – Some of the snow on the Trail has melted, but there are still locations where it hasn’t. Shady spots are slow to melt, and it could be a couple of weeks before it all has gone. if going for a bike ride, be prepared for any eventuality
JANUARY 17TH UPDATE – We’ll be out on Thursday and trying to get as much of the Trail groomed as possible. It should all be done by Friday. We’ll also be tracksetting again at the ValleyView Golf Course. Now that we have a base established, we should get a good solid track down that will last for awhile. Enjoy the snow!
JAN. 11TH UPDATE – The Trail from Crescent Valley to Slocan Lake has now been groomed and trackset. A few glitches along the way, but our volunteers were up to the task. FYI – we plan on setting a loop around the ValleyView Golf Course in the next few days. Come on out to the Winter Fun Day on Jan. 21st and check it out
JANUARY 10TH UPDATE – We finally have had some snow and crews are beginning to get things groomed. Crescent Valley north – packing is underway. It may not be completed until Thursday. Some track has been set north and south of Winlaw. Plan is to groom to Slocan on Thursday. Will update as things get done. Dress warm if going out there….
Fall 2023 UPDATE
November 4th – we’ve now completed our resurfacing and Trail Brushing projects for the season. Over 12 km of Trail were re-surfaced and around 35 km of Trail was brushed on both sides. This work was made possible with grants from Western Diversification, Columbia Basin Trust, RDCK, RSTBC. We’re now transitioning to our winter program and just waiting for the snow to fall so the season can begin.
As we go into the fall, the Rail Trail is seeing a lot of use from visitors from around the world. We will be completing our resurfacing project in September and October. So far, about 8 km of our Trail has been improved. As well, some mechanical brushing will be taking place in later October. The Trail will remain open and useable in spite of this work, but please use caution. And please remember we are a volunteer organization which relies on donations to help cover our operating expenditures.
Summer 2023
The Rail Trail is undergoing resurfacing this summer. Two sections of the Rail Trail have been completed and work on a third segment is underway. Heavy machinery is working and warning signage out out. Please use caution.
Winter 2022/2023
FEB. 28TH UPDATE – The Trail has been groomed and trackset from Crescent Valley to Slocan Lake in the past 36 hours. Mixed weather ahead but get out there and enjoy it while you can. Thanks to Jim, David, Greg and Charlie for the grooming. Thanks as well to Darcy for plowing the Crescent Valley to South Slocan stretch. We groomed and trackset the earliest (mid-Nov.)and the latest (today) we ever have with a big hole in the middle!
One last winter pitch to remind folks that we are a volunteer organization that counts on your support to help us do what we do. By now, I think you know how that works. Thanks to all of you who have helped us cover the costs of this weird winter.
UPDATE 9 PM FEBRUARY 27TH- Greg groomed and trackset to Passmore this evening. The Trail is now freshly groomed Passmore to Slocan Lake. Some grooming will take place in the south end Tuesday. As well, the paved section to South Slocan is getting plowed Tuesday.
FEBRUARY 27TH 9 a.m. – HEADING OUT! What a snowfall we had and Volunteer Charlie is off grooming to Slocan Lake from Winlaw this morning to take advantage of it. We may be be able to groom as far south as Passmore today, but will keep folks posted. Enjoy this late winter surprise!
JANUARY 2ND, 2023 UPDATE – Fresh fast trackset laid today Winlaw to Slocan as well as from Crescent Valley to Slocan Park. Thanks to our dedicated volunteers Kevin and Jim. With cooler temperatures and minimal snow in the forecast, thing are looking good. In case you didn’t know there’s a full moon Friday!
CHRISTMAS EVE UPDATE – Groomer Dave braved the elements and set track today between Crescent Valley and Passmore. Yes our snowmobile is repaired and back in action! Dont think the trackset lasted long, but the packing is an investment in the future for skiing. Looks like the elk were out enjoying the snowy day as well. We’re hoping to get some more of the Trail groomed on Monday. Get out and enjoy. Warm weather is coming.
DECEMBER 17TH UPDATE – In the past two days, we’ve freshened up and set new track the entire length of the Rail Trail. Thanks to our multiple volunteer groomers for helping to make it happen. Get out and enjoy. Did you know it could cost from $60 – $80 in fuel each time we groom the entire valley? Please remember we count on your support at the donation box or on-line to help make it happen.
DECEMBER 9TH UPDATE – Charlie has headed from Winlaw to Slocan this morning and David is grooming Crescent Valley to Passmore. We’ll be tackling the Winlaw to Passmore section on Saturday. Gotta love these dedicated volunteers!
DEC. 3RD UPDATE – Grooming is underway Winlaw to Passmore this morning. There should also be a groomer out between Crescent Valley and Passmore. We groomed to Slocan Lake from Winlaw yesterday, so the entire is now groomed and trackset. As always, we need your support to keep doing what we do, so please take advantage of our donation boxes, send an eTransfer or use PayPal through our website. Enjoy!
NOVEMBER 30TH UPDATE – The grooming season has begun early this year. The entire Trail has been groomed in the past three days. Today we groomed and trackset Winlaw to Passmore. A fresh blanket of snow last night means we’ll be back at it again tomorrow. Make sure your skis are ready to go. We’ll be posting updates as they happen, so check in here or on our Facebook page.
Spring 2022
JUNE 16TH UPDATE – after a very wet spring, we’ve begun mowing the Trail. Crescent Valley to Passmore has been done and Lemon Creek to Slocan is done as well. We’ll be mowing north from Passmore on Friday. Thanks to Rory and Ken for their help
SAT. FEBRUARY 19TH UPDATE – Charlie is out setting track Winlaw to Slocan today. He’s getting a good deep trackset and with colder overnight temperatures there should be good skiing on this segment for the week ahead. We still have a solid base of 8 to 10 inches on our northern segment , so could be good skiing for awhile yet. Get out and enjoy!
TUESDAY FEBRUARY 8TH – Groomer Cliff was out bright and early this morning and has groomed Winlaw to Passmore. The entire valley has now been refreshed since Sunday. Enjoy. The weather is fine and the Trail s beautiful
JAN. 23rd UPDATE – David is grooming Crescent Valley to Passmore today. The entire valley has now been groomed and trackset in the past 3 days. Thanks to all the volunteers who help make winter enjoyment on the Rail Trail possible.
SUNDAY, JAN.9TH – Since our big dump of snow, the entire Trail has been groomed and trackset. Today, our volunteer groomers are working on the Winlaw to Slocan Lake segment and are freshening up the Crescent Valley to Passmore stretch. Your support is what helps make this all possible. Donation boxes are located along the Trail and you can connect to us using PayPal and eTransfers on this website. Thanks for your support.
TUESDAY JAN. 4TH UPDATE – A big shout out to our volunteer groomers Ron and Max. Max groomed and trackset Winlaw to Gravel Pt Rd today in heavy conditions and our Kubota was up to the challenge. Ron followed up on yesterday’s pre-pack and laid a great track from Crescent Valley to Passmore. The remaining segment should get tackled on Wednesday. Enjoy everyone!
JAN. 1ST UPDATE – Happy New Year! Our volunteer groomer Greg freshened up the Trail between Winlaw and Passmore today. More snow and milder temperatures coming in the week ahead. We’ll do our best to stay on top of it, if you stay on top of enjoying it.
CHRISTMAS EVE ON THE RAIL TRAIL – Our groomers were active today, with two crews grooming the Rail Trail from Winlaw to Crescent Valley. A big thanks and a Merry Chrstmas to all our dedicated volunteers who make it possible – Cliff, Mike, Mitch, Norm, David, Ron, Greg, Bruce and apologizes for others who we have probably missed. Enjoy your holiday skiing!
DECEMBER 20TH UPDATE – Our walking trail segment from South Slocan to Crescent Valley has been plowed and ready for strollers. Winlaw to Passmore to getting groomed and trackset this morning. The entire Slocan Valley Rail Trail is now ready for winter enjoyment.
DECEMBER 18TH UPDATE – What a difference some snow makes! Our eager snowmobile crew managed to groom and trackset Crescent Valley to Passmore today. We’ll be grooming north starting Sunday morning. Enjoy!
December 17 2021 UPDATE – We’re ready to go with grooming the Rail Trail – all we need is snow! Some grooming has taken place on the north end, with more snow expected this weekend. Our new RTV side-by-side Kubota will be doing the Trail from Passmore to Slocan Lake this year and the snowmobile crew will be tackling the southern end of the valley. As well, the Trail from Crescent Valley to South Slocan will be getting plowed for area walkers. Lets hope for some snow. Please remember we are a volunteer driven organization and are grateful for any monetary support – be it through our donation boxes, or via eTransfer or PayPal on this Webpage.
Spring 2021
MAY 13TH UPDATE – Do you have a waterline, cable or other piping that goes under the Slocan Valley Rail Trail? The Columbia Basin Broadband Corp. will be beginning the process of laying the fibre-optic line along the Rail Trail shortly.
Right now they are trying to identify all the locations where they potentially may come across a line. They will be digging a narrow trench 18″ deep. Most lines are deeper than that and it won’t be an issue. They will be reaching out to adjoining landowners, but we want to make sure no one is missed and that there are no surprises for anyone! If you think you fall into this category, please PM us. Do NOT post your details on this post, thanks.
The process of cable installation may take up to two months. Initially they may be hopping all over the place, prepping sites to link cable segment before they drop in the line.
We are hoping disruption will be minimal, but there may be brief periods when the Trail will be closed to traffic.
We will be trying our best to keep this FB page and our website up to date. Thanks for your understanding
MAY 1ST UPDATE – Spring flooding has begun. Just south of Winlaw and just north of Pedro Creek. In the marsh area, there’s about 100 m stretch of Rail Trail that has water running over it. There is a blocked culvert in this location, which we can’t repair until after high water. THis situation may last for a week or two. You can divert onto the highway between Oma Rd and Filipoff Rd to avoid it, or you can take your chances!
MARCH 18TH UPDATE – Well, it would be safe to say our ski season has past for the year. Thanks to all our volunteer groomers for another good season. NOW LOOKING AHEAD – The Trail is getting bare in spots, icy in spots and slushy in spots. Some folks are trying to ride their bikes out there already. It may still be a bit early for that. However you’re trying to enjoy the Trail, please be cautious.
How’s the Trail looking? As things melt it becomes more challenging if wanting to ski. As of today (March 5th) there is good skiing south from Slocan to Lemon Creek, especially if you go out later in the morning or early afternoon. If walking anywhere of the Rail Trail, please use caution as things are pretty slippery in sections.
FEBRUARY 21ST, UPDATE – Trail will all be groomed and trackset by the end of the day. Thanks to groomers Ron, Cliff and Greg for getting out there. While your out there, check out the Art on the Rails project the Slocan Valley Community Arts Council has underway. Twenty works of art by local artists, spread out over four of our Trailheads (CrescentValley, Passmore, Winlaw and GRavel Pit Rd. In Slocan)
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12TH – Cliff groomed and trackset Winlaw to Slocan Lake today in perfect conditions. The cold weather is passing so the skiing will be good in the days ahead. Please remember you can support our efforts via PayPal and with an Interac eTransfer.
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5TH UPDATE – A good dump of snow overnight allowed our volunteers to get out and groom the entire Rail Trail today. Cool nights and mild days will make for some good skiing over the weekend. Enjoy and please show your support for our efforts at our donation boxes or on-line.
THURSDAY JAN. 28TH UPDATE – It’s great to get some snow. There’s fresh trackset from Crescent Valley to Passmore that new groomer Norm laid down today. Thanks Norm. The plan is to groom Passmore to Slocan Lake early Friday morning.
January 15th UPDATE – The Trail is in good condition for skiing since the big wind. Although there is debris along the way, a fine ski can be had. The trackset is better the further north you go up the RailTrail. With clear, cold weather the track can be very fast, so be cautious. If walking on our Trail between South Slocan and Crescent Valley, which we have plowed the snow off of, be aware that it can be quite icy. Shoe grips and walking poles are recommended. Enjoy and be safe.
January 7th UPDATE – The Rail Trail was freshened up from Winlaw south to our Evin Rd station south of Slocan Park. A good trackset was laid down from Winlaw to Passmore, but the snow remains thin south of there. Get out there and enjoy. There’s fresh groomed track now all the way up to Slocan Lake!
January 6th 2021 UPDATE – Groomer Cliff did a run up to Slocan from Winlaw today. Go for a ski and check it out. Please remember the Trail in maintained by volunteers and your donations help cover the costs of them being out there.
December 31st 3:40 pm UPDATE – Except for a segment from Passmore north, the Rail Trail was all groomed and trackset. Thanks to our volunteers Cliff, Mike and David for getting out and making things possible. North of Passmore we are still dealing with downed trees, which are preventing our machine from connecting that last segment. Hopefully we’ll get that section cleared up soon. Happy News Year to all. Please get out and enjoy the Trail.
December 30th – getting some snow today and hoping to get out there and start grooming either later today or Thursday. A reminder to folks that once we groom and trackset, horses and snow bikes are asked to ride on the sides of the Trail and avoid the trackset. Thanks
December 13, 2020 – The sleds are ready and eager to go. We just need a good dump of snow to get things started. Check in with this page regularly for updates. Volunteers are always needed to help make the season successful. Please send us an email if you want to get involved.
Winter 2020
Wed. Feb.26th update – Groomer Cliff was out early this morning grooming Winlaw to Passmore. That means we have fresh trackset from Passmore to Slocan Lake. Conditions (snow melt) may make it hard to groom south of Passmore. Get out for a ski and enjoy the Trail when you can, it’s stil a beautiful place to be.
Tuesday, February 25th update – Mike was up early and groomed and trackset Winlaw to Slocan Lake today. A warming trend ahead may limit future grooming. Get out and enjoy the snow while you can!- Mike was up early and groomed and trackset Winlaw to Slocan Lake today. A warming trend ahead may limit future grooming. Get out and enjoy the snow while you can!
Sunday, February 16th – Crescent Valley to Passmore was groomed and trackset today, thanks to groomer David. The entire valley has now been freshened up in the past 24 hours. Lots of folks out using the Trail today.
Please take advantage of our donation boxes and help us with the expenses we incur to make this Trail available for folks to enjoy.
Saturday, February 8th – Two crews are out grooming the Rail Trail this morning. Finally we have workable conditions! By mid-afternoon, we’re hoping that the entire Trail from Slocan to Crescent Valley will be groomed and trackset. Colder evening temperatures mean that the trackset will set up nicely overnight for days of great skiing ahead (hopefully)!
Thursday, Feb.5th – Thanks to Glenda who groomed and trackset Passmore to Crescent Valley today, so get out and enjoy! We groomed Winlaw to Slocan on Wednesday, but now our north end sled is out of action for a couple of days for repairs. With luck and the right weather we should be able to stay on top of things for awhile.
Just the periodic reminder that we are volunteers who rely on your support to allow us to do what we do. Donation boxes can be found at all our main trailheads or you can use PayPal at our website Thanks for your help!
RAIL TRAIL UPDATE – JAN. 20TH – Weather warmed up on us so waiting a day to see if conditions will allow us to get out there and groom up to Slocan . Trail from Passmore to Perrys Siding is in great shape for skiing right now. South end is partially groomed.
January 18th update – Winlaw to Passmore was groomed this morning. We’ll be grooming north from Winlaw Sunday morning in prep for our Rail Trail Ski Day based out of our Winlaw Station beginning at noon. Hope to see you all there
TUESDAY JANUARY 14TH – Stellar day with a great group of volunteers. By the end of the afternoon, the entire Rail Trail from Slocan Lake to Crescent Valley will have been groomed and trackset! Thanks to Kim, Glenda, Mike, Chris, Max for getting out there on a really really cold day.
January 10th update – Rail Trail was groomed and trackset to Slocan from Winlaw today. Primarily this was a run to help smooth out the Trail, so that after this snow cycle passes, we can get a good groom and trackset for folks to enjoy. Thanks to new groomer Mike, who is a great addition to our grooming crew.
JANUARY 9TH UPDATE – Trackset is complete between Crescent Valley and Passmore. We have a night crew out that went out at 5 p.m. to work on the section between Winlaw and Passmore, which is now complete. Welcome aboard new groomer Mike. More snow expected over the next couple of days, but we’re hoping to groom up to Slocan on Friday.
Just a reminder that our volunteer efforts are made easier with your support. We have donation boxes and a PayPal account on our website if you wish to help defray the costs of doing what we do. Thanks
And dont forget we have our annual Ski Day on Sunday, January 19th from noon to 3 pm based out of our Winlaw Station.
January 8th – Crescent Valley to our Slocan Park station was trackset by our new groomer Jordan. Still working on getting the rest of the Trail done and will update as we can.
January 7th 3 p.m. update. – Trail groomed and trackset Winlaw to Lemon Creek. Rough sled packing done to Slocan Lake and will have to wait for another day to get that stretch completed. Thanks Max.
Sled packing Passmore to C. Valley today as well. No tracksetting there yet, as we’re just trying to deal with packing down the wet snow. Thanks David.
December 31st UPDATE – Fresh snow at last ! Rail Trail was groomed and trackset from Crescent Valley to Winlaw today. Thanks to groomers Greg and David for going out and getting things done. Milder temperatures might mean it’ll be awhile before we can tackle the north end. Enjoy and Happy New Year!
December 20th update – Groomer Greg initiated the skiing season by grooming and tracksetting the Rail Trail from Winlaw to Slocan this morning. With mixed weather ahead grooming will be day-by-day, with updates being posted as they occur.
Winter 2018-2019
Friday, March 8th – The season may be winding down as far as fresh snow goes, but there is still a weil used trackset along the entire length of the Rail Trail. There is a good base so there should still be a few weeks of great skiing available. get out there and enjoy.
Friday March 1st – Winlaw to Crescent Valley was freshened up and trackset today. Winlaw to Slocan Lake will be getting done on Saturday morning. Cold evenings ahead will keep the track in good condition. Enjoy!
Tuesday, February 26th – The entire Rail Trail was groomed and trackset this past weekend. Colder evening temperatures and minimal snow means there’s great skiing everywhere right now!
Sunday, February 17th – The entire Trail was groomed and trackset between Saturday and today. Some fresh snow overnight may affect some areas, but generally it’s good skiing everywhere. Just a reminder that Monday, February 18th is Family Day on the Trail, which takes place between 11 am and 2 pm at our Winlaw Station. Ski waxing, bonfire and refreshments, and lots of great skiing. Hope to see you all there.
Wednesday, February 13th – Happy Valentine’s Eve! By 6 p.m. tonight the entire Rail Trail will have been groomed and trackset. Thanks to Jahine, Kim, Greg and Ryan for making short order from our last dump of snow. With cooler evening conditions the track should set up nicely. Please remember we are a volunteer driven organization and depend on your support to help cover the expenses of keeping the Rail Trail available to enjoy during the winter months. Donation boxes are at all Trail Heads and Pay Pall is waiting for your attention on our website! Enjoy…
Tuesday, February 5th – Trail has been groomed and trackset Crescent Valley to Winlaw this past weekend. Monday saw groomer Greg freshen up the Trail between Winl Station an Filipoff Rd, where someone had driven a trick down!
Saturday, January 26th – Trail Winlaw to Slocan Lake was groomed and trackset this morning. Entire trail has now been done since the last snowfall. Colder evening temperatures in the week ahead means there’ll be good skiing ahead. And just another reminder that volunteers make the grooming possible and your financial support is always appreciated to help cover our expenses. Take advantage of our PayPal account on this page or use any of the multiple donation boxes along the Trail
Monday, January 21st – Today was a most excellent day for grooming with Winlaw to Slocan Lake getting attention. Since the last snowfall on Jan. 17th, the entire Rail Trail has been groomed and trackset. Of note was the entire Trail was groomed by first-year volunteer groomers! Thanks Jihane, Marley, Ryan, Max and Greg. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Fri. January 19th – Today the Rail Trail was groomed and trackset Crescent Valley to Winlaw. We wont be able to groom the north end until the temperatures get cooler. Good trackset was laid in the locations we made it to. Thanks to Jihane and Marley, who had their inaugural grooming runs today.
Mon. January 14th – Trail was groomed and trackset Winlaw to Slocan Lake today. Cooler evening temperatures should make for a good ski and with a full moon coming, an evening ski might be just what the doctor ordered…..
Thurs. January 10th – Trail was groomed Crescent Valley to Passmore today. Milder weather will make to difficult to groom north of Winlaw. Stay tuned to this site for updates. In the meantime, get out and enjoy what we have. Just a reminder that all our grooming is done by volunteers and it’s your donations and support that helps us cover the expenses of grooming the Trail, clearing parking lots and maintaining the equipment.
Sat. January 5th – Trail was groomed Passmore to Winlaw with a good trackset being laid. Still minimal snow this year, but there’s decent trackset all over the valley. Pray for snow!
Tuesday, January 1st – Groomer Greg is out this morning grooming and tracksetting Winlaw to Slocan Lake. He should be done by 2 p.m. looks like a fine afternoon for a ski! and please remember to take advantage of the donation boxes along the Rail Trail or visit the PayPal link on our website.
Sunday, December 30th – at this time. Passmore to Winlaw is the only section that has recently been groomed. We’re hoping to get the remainder of the Trail groomed in the next few days. There’s been lots of folks out enjoying the Trail, so there is a good ski base in all area.s Weather promises to be cool and clear for the next few days so the skiing should remain good.
Thursday, December 27th. A late start to the season and a minimal amount of snow so far. Today we groomed and trackset Winlaw to Slocan Lake, where the snow is a bit deeper. Still not enough snow to do much of anything on the rest of the Trail, although folks have been out enjoying what is there. Watch for updates here or on our Facebook Page.
Winter 2017-2018
February 26th – Dennis groomed and trackset the Trail between Winlaw and Slocan Village today. Good conditions and a crisp evening means that a nice solid track is in place. Get out enjoy, and remember to take advantage of our donations boxes along the Rail Trail as we’re all volunteers out there! Thanks
February 19th – The final segment of the Rail Trail was groomed and trackset today. Winlaw to Passmore is waiting for your skiing pleasure. The entire Trail has now all been trackset in the last two days. Thanks to our dedicated crew (again)!
February 18th – Trail was groomed and trackset Slocan to Winlaw and Crescent Valley to Passmore (almost). With a chilly week ahead of us and no snow in the forecast, conditions should be good for skiing for awhile.
Feb. 9th – Our illustrious groomer Jo groomed Winlaw to Slocan today. The area around Crescent Valley was also done. It’s gotten colder and the trail has hardened up, so the skiing is a bit of a challenge.
Saturday, February 3rd – Track was groomed and trackset Winlaw to Passmore today. Should be good skiing. Just so folks know, a family of cougars (ma and three cubs) have been seen in the Winlaw area recently.
Monday January 31st – Trail from Winlaw to Slocan Lake was groomed and trackset today, with Dennis having to deal with tons of downed trees. Says he got a good track down, so get out there and give it a run. Somewhere between Mon Amie rd. And the bench by Trozzo Creek, he lost our snow shovel. Should you find it, please PM us and put it in a safe place for us to find. Thanks
Sunday January 28th – trail has been groomed and trackset Winlaw to Passmore. Sled packing will hopefully be happening Passmore to Crescent Valley today, with grooming getting done on Monday. Trying to start making our way north on Monday. Trees are down along the Trail, which slows things down, crossings are in continual need of shoveling (a shout out to the volunteers who are helping with that regard, but we need more help – especially north of Perrys Siding); and these odd weather conditions makes it quite difficult to do any decent grooming or even allow us to get on the Trail.
January 21st update – trail groomed and trackset Winlaw to Passmore today and an excellent track has been laid. Get out there and enjoy!
Friday, January 19th – Trail was groomed and trackset Winlaw to Slocan today after a long slog on the sled by Jo. Been awhile since we got up there, but it’s looking like a perfect weekend to visit the swans. Please take advantage of our donation boxes at Lemon Creek and Gravel Pit Rd. Or visit our website if you want to help us cover the costs of having fun. Thanks for your support
Tuesday January 6th Update – Trail has been groomed and trackset Winlaw to Crescent Valley in the last two days. Hoping to head north tomorrow.
January 11th (Thursday) – Trail groomed an trackset Winlaw to Perrys Siding today
January 10th – Mild temperatures have made it impossible to groom the Trail. Snow comes Thursday, but very mild weather comes in Friday. That said there is actually some good skiing on the existing trackset. Just make sure to take some wax to help you along.
January 2nd UPDATE – The Trail has now been groomed and trackset from Crescent Valley to Slocan Lake. It’s been a slog, hope folks get a chance to get out and enjoy it. Some other points:
1. There is snowmobile abuse in the Slocan Park area. If you can help us locate the one or two abusers it would be appreciated.
2. There have been cougar sightings so please be cautious out there. The Rail Trail is a wildlife corridor at times.
3. Swans, swans everywhere. Everywhere along the Trail swans are being seen on the river this winter.
4. We are still a bunch of volunteers and your support is always appreciated. Donation boxes are along the Trail, also via our website or via snail mail at Box 22, Winlaw BC
January 1st – Welcome to the New Year. Today we groomed and trackset Winlaw to Passmore. The lower valley will start getting done on Tuesday. Thanks for your patience.
December 31st – We’ll be grooming and tracksetting Winlaw to Slocan today and heading south tomorrow. We’re operating with one sled down right now, so we’re not able to grooming the trail as quickly as we would like.
Thursday, December 28th – snow is falling and we’ll have to wait and see how much we get before grooming. We’re down to one machine at this point, so grooming will take a little longer.
Sunday, December 24th – The trail has now all been groomed and mostly trackset. It took several days to remove all the downfall and has been very slow going. Our machines are now both out of commission and we’re hoping to have them going again shortly.
Thursday December 21st, 2016 – Thanks to the large dump of snow this week, we’re getting the winter grooming season underway. As of today the Rail Trail has been groomed and trackset from Winlaw to Slocan Lake and from Crescent Valley to Slocan Park. We’re hoping that Friday will see the remaining sections get some attention and will update this site accordingly. Lots of trees came down with the snow and we can expect more in the days and weeks ahead. If you see tree downfall, please contact us so we can deal with them.
We’re also looking for volunteers to help dig out some crossings after they’ve been plowed. It helps our groomers get their job done more quickly. If you can help please contact us.
2017 Summer
June 12 – Trail has been mowed Winlaw to Slocan Lake in the past few days. Hoping to get lower valley mowed soon. There is a sluff on the Trail below the Golf Course. It is advised that people walk through this stretch.
2016/2017 Winter Season
March 28th – Rail Trail is sluffing below the golf course and we are unsure if it has stopped moving yet. Please refrain from using this area for the time being.
TRAIL CLOSURE Wed. March 22nd– 1 km North of Passmore. We have a flooding issue taking place on the Rail Trail. Highways will be sending in a backhoe to put in temporary drainage.Please avoid using this area. Signs will be posted and removed when the work is done. Additional updates will follow.
Thursday, March 16th – Dennis is out freshening up the Rail Trail today. He’s heading north from Winlaw and depending on conditions, may go to Perry’s Siding or possibly Slocan. This is the latest we’ve EVER groomed the Trail in our 10 years of grooming!
Thursday, March 9th – Trail was groomed and trackset Winlaw to Crescent Valley today. The entire Trail has been touched up in the past two days, in what might be the last groom of the season. Get out there and enjoy !
Wednesday, March 8th – Trail is being roomed and trackset Winlaw to Slocan Lake today. Fresh powder should help create a nice trackset.
Monday, March 6th – a section of the south end from Crescent Valley to north of Kosiancic Hill was groomed and trackset this morning. We’re using our alternate equipment to trackset, as there are still some repair issues with one of our groomer machines which will keep it out of action for the rest of the season.
Sat. March 4th – Trail was groomed and trackset winlaw to Passmore today. Cool temperatures tonight will help the track set up nicely. Enjoy, we’re getting to the end of the season….
Also, our groomer noticed that a large quad had driven along the Rail Trail between Slocan Park and Winlaw – probably in the last day or two, making grooming more difficult. If anyway has information on who is responsible, please message us and we’ll take it from there.
March 3rd – Trail was groomed and trackset Winlaw to Slocan yesterday. Some grooming may get done today as well. Enjoy it while you can!
March 1st – Machine issues have been an on-going lately, but things are getting in working order again. Packing has recently been done in the lower valley, grooming and trackset done in the mid-valley. Now we’re into a wet snow cycle and are trying to groom as best we can. To us, any skiing in March is always a bonus, so will update as grooming happens.
February 23rd – Trail has been groomed up toSlocan today.
February 21st – Well, we’re back at it! Trail has been groomed and trackset Winlaw to Passmore today. The hope is we’ll be grooming north of Winlaw Thursday if the weather is right
February 19th – we had a report of a cougar dragging a deer down towards the Rail Trail in the Vallican Bluff area last night. This is the season when cougar will be foraging on the valley bottoms. Please use caution
February 16th – Both our snowmobiles have now been repaired. Just waiting for favourable weather before we attempt to do anything. The repairs were not cheap, so throwing in a reminder that donations are always appreciated.
February 12th – A big shout out to Brent, who sled packed the Rail Trail from Slocan to south of Winlaw this afternoon. This will make it easier for walkers and skiers alike while our machines are out of action. Sled packing will take place Monday between Winlaw and Passmore. South of Passmore was groomed and some trackset laid down before our machine died. With mild weather ahead, we may be nearing the end of our grooming season.
Feb. 11th update – Both our snowmobiles are now out of action. This means we are unable to groom the Rail Trail until something gets repaired. Some areas do have defined ski trail, just from local use. Passmore north isn’t too bad. From Slocan south to the Big Bench is well used. Please let us know if things are useable in other areas. Will keep everyone posted..
February 11th – trying to complete grooming the south end today. FYI – there may be several snowmobiles doing an organized pack of the Rail Trail from Slocan to Winlaw this afternoon. This will greatly improve the trail base and quicken the timeframe for grooming and tracksetting Sunday.
February 8th – Trail has been groomed and trackset from Slocan To Passmore in the past two days. Snow if predicted for this evening, but we are planning to start working from Passmore to Crescent Valley on Thursday.
February 5th – Snow, snow,snow! We’re trying to groom Winlaw To Slocan today, but with another dump of snow expected tonight it won’t last long. Still have only one sled, so things will take awhile. Probably not down to the south end until Tuesday. You may see a sled or two out there on Monday or Tuesday, but they will be ‘prepacking’ to make things easier for the groomer
January 30th – The entire Rail Trail has been recently groomed and trackset. with cooler temperatures and no snow in the forecast, you can expect a fast ski with clear skis!
January 27th – Entire trail was finally groomed about 5 days ago. Today we are beginning to freshen up the Trail again. Passmore to Crescent Valley is getting done today, Slocan to Winlaw is scheduled for Saturday. Conditions have generally been good and the skiing fast.
January 19th – Heavy, wet snow has made it impossible for us to groom and trackset the Rail Trail. We are in a standby mode until the weather gets cooler. Also, the warm weather has brought down some trees, which we have to deal with. Should you be walking on the Trail and encounter an obstruction, please email or call us so we can deal with the problem.
January 13th – Preparations are underway for our Day on the Trail Sunday at the Winlaw station from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Today we ran our grader (which churns up, levels amd then smooths the snow) between Passmore and Perrys Siding and grooming/tracksetting will take place on Saturday. The Crescent Valley area was also touched up today.
January 10th – Trail was groomed and trackset Winlaw to Slocan today. A few trees had to be removed along the way, but skiing should be fine. Remember there’s a full moon Thursday and nothing says winter like a full moon ski on the Rail Trail!
January 9th – With the fresh snow a fresh round of grooming is underway. Today we groomed and trackset Winlaw to Crescent Valley. Tuesday the plan is to groom and trackset from Winlaw to Slocan Lake. Cold temperatures have made for some fast skiing out there
January 2nd – In spite of temperatures that were -18 this morning when the crew started, we groomed and trackset Winlaw to Slocan Lake. Lots of folks out using the Rail Trail today. What a great way to finish off the winter holiday break.
January 1st – Happy New Year! Today Crescent Valley to Passmore was groomed and trackset by David and Glenda. North valley was last groomed on Dec. 30th and will probably get groomed again on January 2nd.
Dec. 28th – Dennis groomed Winlaw to Slocan Lake today. Great weather conditions. Trackset should set up nicely. Get out and enjoy!
Dec. 27th – Lots of snow has to get compacted before we can start setting track, so you may see snowmobiles running back and forth on the Rail Trail today. There may be some track done by this afternoon. We’ll keep the site updated. Please remember this is all volunteer effort and there are expenses. Take advantage of our donation boxes along the Trail or visit the link on this website to help us out. Thanks
GROOMING UPDATE DEC. 24TH – Except for the Winlaw to Passmore stretch, the Rail Trail was groomed and trackset today from Crescent Valley to Slocan Lake. The rest of the Trail will be getting done tomorrow – yes tomorrow. So if you see a Santa on a snowmobile setting track, he’s one of ours! Merry Christmas to you all!
Dec. 23rd – Heavy snow all along the Rail Trail today. Crews are hoping to get out on Saturday and spruce things up for the holidays.
Dec. 21st – Grooming and tracksetting was done today from Passmore to Crescent Valley in good conditions. Segments have been double tracked, so make sure you take a friend out to experience a ski on the Rail Trail. Also trail was compacted from Winlaw to Slocan Lake, but our tracksetter wasn’t working so no track was set on this segment
Dec. 19th – Winlaw to Perrys Siding was groomed and trackset today. Still need more snow for a better trackset, but we’re getting there!
Dec. 11th – Starting to get some snow, but not enough to start grooming. We’ll keep updating this site as the snow accumulates.
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