Box 22, Winlaw, BC V0G 2J0 1-888-683-7878 (SVRT)


The Annual General Meeting of the Slocan Valley Heritage Trail Society is being held Wed. June 16th, 2022 at 7 p.m. at the Slocan Park Hall. All members welcome. Is your membership up to date? It’s not too late to join. Look for the Membership Page on this website and join us in the fun!


The Slocan Valley Rail Trail Society (SVRTS) has introduced a new feature for users of the 50 km long Slocan Valley Rail Trail. The “Lend-A-Leash’ program is intended to help ensure that dog owners have a leash available when they take their pet for a stroll on the Rail Trail. At three locations there will be a supply of leashes available to borrow and be returned when done.

The idea was brought to the Board when they were discussing dogs on the trail. With increasing usage of the Rail Trail, the SVRTS has been receiving feedback from some trail users who have felt threatened by uncontrolled dogs. 

The  Society’s policy is that dog owners must control their pets when approaching others. “Your dog may be quite friendly, but not everyone is comfortable with dogs says Helene Dostaler, SVRTS Chair . “We have introduced this program to make it easier for everyone to have an enjoyable experience on our Rail Trail and to help reduce confrontational situations.”

The program is the first of its kind in Canada. A similar program has successfully been in place since 2014 in Bozeman, Montana.

To compliment the “Lend-a-Leash” program, the Society has posted new signage along the Trail to remind users about proper dog behaviour. Besides leashing up when meeting others, dog owners must ensure that their pets don’t stray onto adjoining private property. They are also being reminded to clean up after their pets. 

The Slocan Valley Rail Trail Society has been instrumental in creating and managing the Slocan Valley Rail Trail since 2001, in partnership with the provincial government.  For more information on the Society visit their Facebook page or their . website


This year the annual Winter Fun Day on the Trail returns and will be taking place at the Winlaw Station of the Slocan Valley Rail Trail on Sunday, January 30th from 11 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Come for a ski, snowshoe or just go for a walk. The Slocan Valley Heritage Trail Society (SVHTS)will be partnering with the Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy (CBAL), who will be offering a children’s Storywalk featuring local author Kathy Sager’s book Mother Reindeer’s Journey to the Sun. Slocan Valley Recreation will be there as well with skis and snowshoes available, for those who may require equipment.

Like past years, two of the popular ski waxing stations will be set up and for a minimum $20 donation, you can get your skis waxed up for the rest of the season. Be patient though, as it can be quite busy. There will be ski lessons available for those wanting to get some tips on how to cross-country ski.

Of course, everyone is invited to come out and explore the Rail Trail and see what winter has to offer this year. The swans have been seen all along the Slocan River and you might find a few hanging around. There’ll be a bonfire going at the fundraising event and refreshments and treats will be on sale. It’ll be a great time to catch up on what’s been happening on the Rail Trail and what the future brings. Memberships will be available if you wish to support the Rail Trail. All proceeds of the day will go towards maintaining the Slocan Valley Rail Trail. We ask that those in attendance respect social distancing.

The Winlaw Trailhead can be reached from Highway 6 in the Slocan Valley by turning onto the Winlaw Bridge Rd in downtown Winlaw. Watch for the large directional Winlaw Trailhead signs located on the highway. If requiring more information you can contact the SVHTS at 1-888-683-SVRT , by email at


Nov. 16th – we currently have a brushing machine working on widening the sides of the Rail Trail north of Winlaw. It will probably get as far as Nixon Rd or Katelnikoff Rd by the end of Wednesday. Even though the Trail is CLOSED, the operator has had to completely shut down his machine because of people ignoring the signs. WARNING – there may be small pieces of brush on the treadpath where the vegetation removed was thickest. These can puncture a tire, so be cautious. The hope is that over the winter these will get packed down. We are looking for volunteers NOW who would be willing to take a leaf rake when they walk this section to help clear things off quickly. Thanks for your understanding.


TRAIL BRUSHING & TRAIL CLOSURE – Nov. 11 and 12 (THURSDAY AND FRIDAY). We will be brushing the Trail Thursday and Friday between Winlaw and Perry’s Siding. The Trail will be closed to all usage on those dates. Signage will be in place and will be removed when work is complete. Thanks for your understanding.


ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING – Members of the Slocan Valley Heritage TrailSociety are invited to attend our annual AGM on Thursday Sept. 30th at 7 p.m. at the Slocan Park Hall. Covid protocols of social distancing and mask wearing will be followed. In recognition of the Provincial Health Order, attendees should present their BC vaccination card.


TREE THINNING PROJECT – Just letting folks know we’ll be beginning the project in the Winlaw area on Monday, Sept.13th. This could take two or three days. TRAIL CLOSED signs will be posted and offer directions on how to bypass the work. Please DO NOT attempt to ride through the work area. Thanks for your understanding.

FYI – the section of Trail north of the Winlaw Bridge Rd will be CLOSED Tuesday for a geo technical assessment of Trail sloughing.


The week of Sept. 13th is going to be a busy one on the Slocan Valley Rail Trail.
We will begin our Tree Thinning Project which will takeup to 7 working days mainly in Passmore, Winlaw and Crescent Valley. The Trail will be closed on the days the crew are in these areas, so be prepared to alter your route. Signs will be posted daily blocking the Trail where work is taking place.
A local contractor will be opening up the canopy where larger tree branches are blocking snow from reaching the Trail, limiting our winter grooming program. They will not be cutting down larger trees, but removing the limbs overhanging the Trail and leaving the tops (or crowns) intact. They will also be thinning smaller trees near the treadpath and cutting down dangerous and leaning trees. A Bucket Truck, chipper and three person crew will be undertaking this work. Funding from the Columbia Basin Trust Trail Enhancement Fund and the Community Initiative Program is making this project possible.
In other work news, a sloughing section of the Trail north of Winlaw will be closed on Tuesday, Sept. 14th where a geo-technical study will be undertaken.

As well, the Fibre Optic Project will be continuing. This CBBC funded project will find crews working primarily north of Winlaw to the Village of Slocan, installing conduit and fibre optic cable. People will be able to get through their work areas, but please use caution.


NOTICE OF WORK: August 23-27, 2021

There will be several crews working at various locations of the Rail Trail in the weeks ahead. This upcoming week will be primarily from Slocan Park to Nixon Rd.
Crews and equipment will be installing conduits, cable vaults and fibre. Others will be doing ‘spot work’, to finish up conduit interconnects and vaults.
The section from Lemon Creek to Gravel Pit Road will not begin to have the conduit laid until early September.
Just so everyone is aware, the various stages of this Fibre Optic Project could be going on into October.
Thanks for your patience and understanding. Enjoy the Trail!


NOTICE OF TRAIL CLOSURE – UPDATED – July 29th Just for clarification, the Slocan Valley Rail Trail remains closed on the section that is under evacuation alert from the Trozzo Creek Wildfire. This is from north of Katelnikoff Rd to Ringrose Creek. It was mistakenly stated that it had opened. The same status applies to all Rec Sites and Trails BC trails and sites under evacuation orders/alerts or area restrictions throughout the province. Sorry for any confusion.